
box for resources

Below are some useful resources and links. If you have further details to add, please add your comment at the end of the page or contact me.

Special Educational Needs seems to come with a pile of acronyms and abbreviations. Here are some we hear:
ABA - Applied Behaviour Analysis
AAC - Alternative Augmented Communication
ADHD - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
BA - Behaviour Analyst
BESD - Behavioural, Emotional, Social difficulties
BSL - British Sign Language
CAF - Common Assessment Framework
CAMHS - Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service
EHCP - Education Health & Care Plan
ESOL - English as second language
IEP - Individual Education Plan
LA - Local Authority
LSA - Learning Support Assistant
OT - Occupational Therapist/Therapy
PECS - Picture Exchange Communication System
PT - Physical Therapy
SEN - Special Educational Needs
SENCO - Special Educational Needs coordinator
 SLT/SALT - Speech and Language Therapist
SLCN - Speech Language & Communication Needs
Statement of SEN - Statement of Special Educational Needs
TA - Teaching Assistant

Please add more useful acronyms using the comments box below.
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Just some of the organisations we've dealt with or that are on this blog.


Ambitious about Autism
National Autistic Society
Express CIC
PDA Society


The Makaton Charity
Singing Hands


Contact a Family

If you'd like me to consider adding your site, please comment below.
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There are a variety of reviews on products and services we have tried with our autistic and neurotypical kids.  You can see the latest ones here.
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SEND Blogs

There is a fantastic list of Special Educational Needs parent blogs on Bringing Us Together

There is also our 'linky' for ASD and SEND posts called Spectrum Sunday.  Please join in.

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